Game Name:
Ultimate Bomb Escape - The no button game.
Idea by:
Loy (Chief)
Putera (Minion)
Coded by:
Putera (Chief)
Graphics by:
Mok Hoe (Chief)
Loy (Minion)
Putera (Minion)
Story by:
Dickson Poon
Hello, this is Putera and I'm writing to tell you players some things about us. We are second year students from Republic Polytechnic, Singapore (2010) and also, this is our first time making games with an engine (Game Maker) that was taught to us over 5 weeks. This is also our first time working as a group and making a game. Therefore, this is the standard of ideation, spriting and programming that we have currently and we hope that you close one eye to our 'newbie' standards and that you enjoy the game. Thank you for playing our game.
By the way: We're sorry at the end of the game (in order to input the score), there is a need to press something. We have no idea how to do it without pressing to input the player's name to the scoreboard.
After being drugged, you awaken to find yourself in a dark room; the place reeks of blood and gunpowder.
Now you will have to use all your wits and last as long as possible in this playground of death which a madman has created for his own twisted agenda.....but beware.....something else is lurking in the dark as well.
Avoid the bombs (Using the mouse) which is going to explode when the timer on it reaches 0.
Collect powerups strategically.
Press F1 for this information again.
Press ESC key once to close this dialog.
Press ESC again to quit the game.
If there is a prompt on using FFDSHOW, USE IT.
Google Images
http://soundfxnow.com/ - Sounds
Credits to all those 'pawns' for testing the game. ^^
Beta 2
Improved the Game Information.
Added a monster that'll chase the player and on collision, decrease his life.
Beta 2b
Added sounds
Change the red font when inputting score name to black
Beta 2c
Fix the changelog -_-"
Added more sounds
Added story
Improved the explosion sound
Beta 3a
Made the bomb timer start from 9 and lesser as the score goes up and up and up.
Changed HP to Lives in the GUI
You can now kill the freakin monster by luring it to an exploding bomb with X hits depending on the monster level for bonus score.
The freakin monster now give you bonus score based on the number of wave you're in at the moment and its speed.
Added a 'wave' text line in the GUI
Added a +1 life powerup for 1/20 (5%) chance after an explosion
Added more sounds
Beta 3b
Improved timer to enable it to become as low as 1 seconds
Limit hp to 10 maximum to make game harder
Made the monster harder to kill as the wave rises
Changed the monster's ms increase from 50% to 75% every 3 seconds (Heh let's see how you survive this)
Beta 3c
Made the life powerup give score instead of life once life reaches the maximum of 10
Made the life powerup appearing less in the later waves.
Made the square background change every minute.
Beta 4
Decreased the monster's reaction time by 0/1 everytime he chases you
Added a menu system that uses no buttons
Changed the way the things in the game are shown (Info shown at the Menu)
Beta 5
Fixed the cursor not showing upon entering the Menu back after you died.
Beta 6
Improved Graphics
Changed the Menu to include the instructions
Added splash screen
Changed the game name to Ultimate Bomb Escape
To do: Sprites for Monster and Explosion
Beta 7
Changed the Monster Sprite
Version 1 (v1)
Submit our work
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